Healthy Prawn and Melon Salad
A few days ago, I bought some ready cooked prawns in one of the supermarkets. It came ready cooked and can be eaten after thawing. So I bought a pack of 800g, it is from Spain, and let it defrost in the fridge. Later, I came across some cheap melons in another supermarket and decided to just buy one on the whim as I am into eating a lot of fruits and vegetables.
I had the prawns and dipped it in soy, as the way like it in Malaysia. However, there were lots of left- overs. I made prawn pizza. Still there were some prawns left, and it needs to be consumed within 48 hours.
So not wanting to waste, and noticing that I still have half a melon left, I decided to make prawn salad to use up all the left-overs. I have some healthy yogurt in the fridge and so I have all the ingredients.
So here is the recipe.
Quick Info
Serves: 1
Difficulty: easy
Cost: £
Time: 10 mins
Pro points: Per serving: 3
¼ Gala melon, seeds and skin removed, sliced and cut into small wedges
100g 0r a handful of peeled cooked prawn
1 Tbsp. 0% fat Greek yogurt
½ lemon
1 sprig Fresh Parsley chopped or pick the leaves
Salt and pepper
- Cut and reserve a slice of the lemon for decoration.
- In a bowl, mix the prawns, melon and the yogurt. Add the parsley and season with salt and pepper if needed, and a squeeze or two of the lemon juice.
- Pile it on a serving plate, topped with freshly ground pepper, the lemon slice and serve.
- You may sprinkle with some paprika if you wish.
- Enjoy!!

Looks creamy and full of calories, but it is very low in calories.