I really need your help.
As you all know, I have been a member of the Leicestershire Carers Choir since its inception. We depend on funding as it is run by a charity, VASL. Each year the voluntary group will try to get funding, so it is important that we have the resources to continue.
It will take you just 2 minutes and every vote is so much appreciated, If you click on the link and register and search Leicestershire Carers Choir it will bring up the voting page
Please help with your vote, it gives you the opportunity to submit 10 votes each. Singing in the choir gives each of us so much happiness and studies have shown singing helps to fight against depression etc. I am the only Chinese with dark hair in the photo in the Aviva project page. So I am easy to spot. Further, my presence gives the project 100 % diversity…!! Only 1 Person.
Please help, the link is: https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-1295
Please register and vote.. Many thanks.
If possible please send to your friends and family for extra support. We need it.
New post on VASL
Vote for Carers Choir
We are trying to raise funding for the VASL Carers’ choir by taking part in the AVIVA Community Fund. simply go to this link and you can vote for us up to 10 times. Each time we meet up, we have to pay for the rehearsal room, the choir leader, the VASL support worker, the tea and coffee etc. It costs around £175 per session.
We are so proud of our choir and determined to carry it on. It would be a tremendous help to us if you could vote for us, using any other email addresses you may have, and to pass this message on to anyone else you think would like to support us.
Carers have lives, too. They have a right to an identity outside of their caring role; to work, study, socialise and enjoy life. Too often the life of a carer is one of service, isolation and depression.
VASL runs Support for Carers Leicestershire and support over 4200 unpaid carers. Our Carers Choir meet every two weeks to learn contemporary upbeat songs in four part harmony under the leadership of a musical director and a carers support worker.
The choir gives carers a focus outside of their caring responsibilities. Typically carers can be isolated, depressed and vulnerable.
We want to continue to boost carers confidence, self-esteem, well being and fun. Singing is a wonderful mood-boosting tool with proven physiological benefits.
The choir gives the opportunity to learn a new skill, to meet other carers not in a carer focused setting but in a fun and safe environment. They can meet like-minded individuals which also provides peer support and new friends to meet outside of the choir

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